5 Days Procedure In SSB Interview 2023 – Complete Guide For SSB Interview
SSB Interview consists of two stages i.e. Stage-1 and Stage-2. Stage-1 has OIR test and PPDT, Stage-2 has Psychological Tests, GTO Tasks, and Personal Interview. SSB Interview ends with Conference on the last day. In this article, we are going to cover a detailed explanation of the 5 Days SSB interview procedure. It is a well-known fact that to become an Army, Navy, and Air Force officer one has to go through the SSB Interview. It is very important to know what the SSB interview is, various tasks and tests conducted in the SSB interview, and other important details. Candidates who are preparing for the SSB interview 2023 can find the detailed SSB interview 5 days process and information on Psychological tests, Personal interview, and GTO tasks here. Many candidates are freshers, they are not aware of the SSB interview procedure, which leads to problems during the SSB interviews. They never know the do and don’t of SSB interview, they do not know about the necessary documents required d...